Secondary Stage

Grade: IX & X

Language I : English Language II : Hindi/Marathi
Compulsory Subjects : Science, Mathematics, Social Sciences.
Skill Subject : Information Technology / Artificial Intelligence.

Co – Scholastic

For Physical and Health Education, Art Education, assessment is done using a 5 point grading scale (A to E).

Atal Tinkering Lab

It is designed to lay an emphasis on firsthand experience, by conducting different activities related to science.

Co – Curricular Activities NCC :

With the aim of encouraging more students to opt for career in armed forces and also expose them to various activities that will develop in them a sense of discipline, responsibility and sensitize them towards social issues, we have put in place NCC training.

Workshops & Orientations For Students

In this changing global scenario, every Shantiniketan students has to be well – equipped with all the essential skill sets. We aim to bring about this awareness in our students and conduct workshops and orientation sessions for them.

Competitions & Ek Bharat Shresht
Bharat (EBSB) Activities

The school organizes various EBSB activities throughout the year. These include Toy making, Poster presentation, Nukkad natak, Virtual meet, Pod casting and many more. The school also participates in various interschool competitions such as quiz competitions, dance competitions, debates, drawing competitions, regional level CBSE Science exhibitions, etc.

Strategised Reinforcement
Programmes For Underachievers
As well As Toppers

Being blessed with a considerably large student strength, we cater to the needs of both the underachievers and also the toppers. To enhance their achievements especially in grade 10 for the board exam, the school takes the initiative and provides tailor – made learning modules as per the needs of the students.

External Exams

External exams like S.O.F., Hindi Rashtrabhasha, N.S.T.S.E., Homi Bhabha, etc. are conducted in the school from class I onwards.

Circle Time

This is the quality time that the educator spends with the students who are encouraged to put forth their views. This helps them to open up and share their ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Student Counselor

Contemporary students face challenges both at home and in school. The assistance of a counselor helps the students combat many personal as well as peer pressure issues. The school also provides an in house counselor for the students to help them in this context.


Dance is an expression of grace and elegance. Our expert faculty trains students to perform various forms of dance like Contemporary, Bollywood, Zumba, Hip Hop and Indian Classical Dance.


Music is the soul of the Universe and pours life into everything. Our Maestros familiarise our students with both Indian and Western music.


Students’ imagination, impression, expression and creation come to life in the colorful art and craft classes.

Guest Lectures

Guest Lectures bring distinguished experts and industry leaders to our school offering students valuable insights and real-world perspectives. These sessions enhance learning by reconnecting classroom concepts with practical experiences, inspiring students and broadening their horizons.


Design Thinking, Social &
Emotional Learning , Financial

Grade IX and X are foundational years for a student to choose a future career or vocation. This requires the ability to research and explore avenues and build skills. We have introduced the above with the intention of providing students an exposure to enrich themselves..

Foundation Course

The school offers IIT-JEE foundation course to the students which goes beyond the regular school curriculum by providing in depth coverage of topics,  specialized study materials, practice tests and expert guidance tailored for IIT-JEE exam.

Value Education

Through its comprehensive Value Education Program, the school ensures that the students empower themselves with values and skills to become competent individuals in the changing world. Shantiniketan has chosen 5 values.
These are :
• Leadership
• Discipline & Work Ethics
• Health & Nutrition
• Kindness
• Citizenship & Cleanliness


Alumni Talks

Alumni Talks connect current students with former graduates who share their
career journeys and experiences. These
sessions provide valuable insights, inspire students to set goals for the future and highlight the impact of our school’s education.